And it really makes for a long day when we start with "X" amount of college student helpers, and then one by one they start to disappear, when that happens you have the crew chiefs yelling at (not in the we're mad at you Darren, but from across the room you like nice today Darren sort of way) Darren to find out why? And the reason they disappeared.....class! That makes for a long day for everybody!
Especially when you have heavy (not just heavy, but like jabba the hut heavy) stuff, for example all 14 of my carts weigh 900lbs. a piece, some of audio's stuff weighs 1200lbs a piece, and when you have this hill, (look at the picture) it doesn't look like much but its carpet and its steep! 6 helpers were taking one of my cases down, and they didn't weigh as much as the case combined, the slope of the hill adding to the progression of weight, the helpers in the front turn into speed bumps, and the ones not in the front just get dragged. Then once at the bottom they find a normal me on load ins that stink, saying "Great ya'll thanks, only 13 more to go".
Boo to that day.
yeah me!
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