Thursday, March 27, 2008

Darren's Crew Blog

Last night I was informed that Darren (the Jerky guy) has started a blog, he's calling it the crownscrew blog, but lets just call what it is, and what I hope it becomes Darren's blog, or Journal. So swing by and take a look I'll be posting every once in a while his post in hopes that he continues to blog!!

Today We're in the great town of Baltimore (its linked to the O's site, Cause its almost baseball ((3 days 3hours & 30min.)) season, so so what?? You wanna fight about it??!!), and like always, its basically tradition now that we go out to eat for lunch to the pier, or whatever its called.

Man the water taxi is huge! I bet it takes forever to get a across in that thing!

We went to a pizza place for lunch (that's all I have to say about that)

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