Thursday, March 6, 2008

What to Post

Today was a pretty good day, we got up and running pretty early, which is always good, so I've had time to sit and play with my pictures and my blog, and just kind of relax a little before we have to go back to work.

So.....I've created like 3 different blogs today (partly do to the internet coming and going), and out of the 3 different blogs this is what I've come up with, you have to really love what we do, cause theres always something to complain about, and stupid people to put up with, and sometimes you get caught up in the mode of everything really just stinks!!

Some times you have to find things that take your mind off of all the crazy things going on, for example we're in OH tonight we're this team plays, they had practice today and a couple of us got the opportunity to watch them practice, it was fun.
They didn't move around much but it was still fun to watch them practice.

The other game we like to play is what kind of desert are we eating??
If any of you can actually tell me what this is I'll give you something, I'm not sure yet what, but something. (Since the catering lady didn't know what it was)
It looks like a waffle, its soft like a cookie, and it tastes like nothing I've ever eatin' before.
But Farns tried it ( ha )

The face says it all!

Please check back, if tomorrow I have internet there will be a Darren Blog!

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